Language/OS - Multiplatform Resource Library
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204 lines
(herald load_comex
(env tsys (osys retrieve)))
;;; Copyright (c) 1985 Yale University
;;; Authors: N Adams, R Kelsey, D Kranz, J Philbin, J Rees.
;;; This material was developed by the T Project at the Yale University Computer
;;; Science Department. Permission to copy this software, to redistribute it,
;;; and to use it for any purpose is granted, subject to the following restric-
;;; tions and understandings.
;;; 1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice in full.
;;; 2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) to return
;;; to the T Project at Yale any improvements or extensions that they make,
;;; so that these may be included in future releases; and (b) to inform
;;; the T Project of noteworthy uses of this software.
;;; 3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this software
;;; shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance with the usual standards
;;; of acknowledging credit in academic research.
;;; 4. Yale has made no warrantee or representation that the operation of
;;; this software will be error-free, and Yale is under no obligation to
;;; provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise.
;;; 5. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this material,
;;; there shall be no use of the name of the Yale University nor of any
;;; adaptation thereof in any advertising, promotional, or sales literature
;;; without prior written consent from Yale in each case.
;;; Operations on loaded files.
;;; Loaded-file is a subtype of compiled-code, at least for now.
(define-operation (loaded-file-source loaded-file)) ;returns a filename or #f
(define-operation (loaded-file-herald loaded-file)) ;always returns a herald
(define-operation (run-compiled-code code env))
(define-operation (relocate-compiled-code code env))
(define-predicate compiled-code?)
;;; Compiled expressions
;++ this should have a target-machine and a target-os field.
(define-structure-type comex
code ;Code vector (probably a byte vector)
objects ;General vector of interesting objects
opcodes ;Byte vector of things to do with the objects
;++ target-cpu
;++ target-os
;;; The OBJECTS and OPCODES vectors are in 1-1 correspondence. Each
;;; opcode describes what should be done with the corresponding
;;; object. The result of processing an object/opcode pair gets
;;; stored at the corresponding position when the closure ("unit")
;;; is being created.
;;; (define (run-compiled-code comex env)
;;; ((map-vector (lambda (op obj)
;;; ((vref *op-procedures* op) obj env))
;;; (comex-objects comex)
;;; (comex-opcodes comex))))
(define (dump-keys obj)
(if (comex? obj) 'comex nil))
(define (dump-accessors sym)
(xcase sym
((comex) (stype-selectors comex-stype))))
(define (dump-makers sym)
(xcase sym
((comex) make-comex)))
(define (comex-decoder key)
(case key
((comex) (return make-comex (stype-selectors comex-stype)))
(else (return nil nil))))
;++ flush this
(define (read-comex-from-file spec)
(with-open-ports ((s (open spec 'retrieve)))
(if (fx= (retrieve-port-magic-number s) retrieve-magic-number)
(set-decoder s comex-decoder)
(error "bad magic dump number in ~S" spec))
(read s)))
(define (read-comex port)
(let* ((magic (get-bytes port 4))
(comex (cond ((fx= magic retrieve-magic-number)
(let ((port (make-retrieve port)))
(set-decoder port comex-decoder)
(read port)))
(error "bad magic dump number in ~S" port)))))
;++ flush
; (else
; (warning "obsolete dump file ~A~%"
; (port-name port))
; (close-port port)
; (re-open-port! port 'in)
; ;++ check for old magic number later
; (let ((port (make-old-retrieve port)))
; (set-decoders port dump-makers dump-accessors)
; (read port))))))
;++(let ((name (port-name port)))
;++ (if name (set (table-entry loaded-file-table name) comex)))
;++ what about the balancing #\]
(define (load-comex port env)
(receive (unit code) (install-comex (read-comex port) env)
(set (weak-table-entry code-unit-table code) unit)
(add-to-population code-population code)
;; run top-level forms
((unit-top-level-forms unit))))
;++ check that target cpu and os are ok.
(define (install-comex comex env)
(let* ((opcodes (comex-opcodes comex))
(unit (comex-objects comex))
(elts (vector-length unit))
(code (comex-code comex)))
(vector->unit! unit)
(set (unit-env unit) env)
(do ((i (fx- elts 1) (fx- i 1)))
((fx< i 0)
(adjust-unit-names unit)
(purify! code)
(return unit code))
(let ((obj (extend-elt unit i)))
(xselect (bref opcodes i)
;++ compiler bug
(if (and (string? obj) (not (pure? (string-text obj))))
(purify! (string-text obj)))
(set (extend-elt unit i) obj))
(set (extend-elt unit i) (make-foreign-procedure obj)))
(set (extend-elt unit i) ; obj is code-vector-offset
(make-pointer code (fixnum-ashr obj 2))))
(install-template1 unit code obj i))
((op/template2 op/template3))
(let ((vcell (env-lookup env (car obj) t t)))
(check-rebinding vcell t install-comex)
(weak-alist-push! (vcell-vcell-locations vcell) unit i)
(distribute-vcells vcell)
(*set vcell (make-pointer unit
(fx- (fixnum-ashr (cdr obj) 2) 1)))))
(let ((vcell (env-lookup env obj t t)))
(check-rebinding vcell t install-comex)
(weak-alist-push! (vcell-vcell-locations vcell) unit i)
(distribute-vcells vcell)))
(let ((vcell (env-lookup env obj t t)))
(check-rebinding vcell nil install-comex)
(weak-alist-push! (vcell-vcell-locations vcell) unit i)
(distribute-vcells vcell)))
(let ((vcell (env-lookup env obj nil t)))
; (check-rebinding vcell nil install-comex)
(weak-alist-push! (vcell-vcell-locations vcell) unit i)
(set (extend-elt unit i) vcell)))
(let ((vcell (env-lookup env obj nil t)))
(weak-alist-push! (vcell-locations vcell) unit i)
(set (mref-8-u vcell -2) -1)
(let ((value (vcell-contents vcell)))
(set (extend-elt unit i)
(make-link-snapper (if (nonvalue? value) obj value)
(define (adjust-unit-names unit)
(cond ((file-system-present?)
(let ((h (unit-herald unit))
(s (unit-source-filename unit)))
(if (not (herald? h))
(set (unit-herald unit) (parse-herald (car h) (cdr h))))
(if (not (filename? s))
(set (unit-source-filename unit)
(apply make-filename s))))))
;++ This population is currently used only by the GC. We should
;++ change the GC to use the CODE-UNIT-TABLE
(define code-population (make-population 'code-population))
;;; Initialize *CODE-UNIT-TABLE*. Weak tables must be available
;;; before this procedure is called.
;++ is the code-unit map really necessary?
(define code-unit-table
(let ((table (make-weak-table 'code-unit-table)))
(walk (lambda (arg)
(let ((code (car arg))
(unit (cdr arg)))
(set (weak-table-entry table code) unit)))